Title: 5 Days to Get You Author: ohnomomo Chapter: 5/5 Pairing: Yewook Genre: romance rating: PG Summary: Yesung tries to win Ryeowook’s love for 5 days A/N: This is the last day, meaning the last chapter. Enjoy! ( If Yesung would have kept the bet... )
Title: 5 Days to Get You Author: ohnomomo Chapter: 4/5 Pairing: Yewook Genre: romance Rating: PG Summary: Yesung tries to win Ryeowook’s love for 5 days A/N: oh noes, 4th day. Well, this is not the last day xD ( I hope Ryeowook's well... )
Title: 5 Days to Get You Author: ohnomomo Chapter: 3/5 Pairing: Yewook Genre: romance Rating: PG Summary: Yesung tries to win Ryeowook’s love for 5 days A/N: I hope the 3rd day is… interesting -_-;
Title: 5 Days to Get You Author: ohnomomo Chapters: 2/5 Pairing: Yewook Genre: romance? Summary: Yesung tries to win Ryeowook’s love for 5 days A/N: So the first day… it was failure xD but I hope you liked it, and I hope you like this one ( Yesung was walking with his eyes closed... )
Title: 5 Days to Get You Author: ohnomomo Chapters: 1/5 Pairing: Yewook Genre: romance? Summary: Yesung tries to win Ryeowook’s love for 5 days A/N: I guess the summary sucks, but I hope you guys read it… and like it of course :D ( I don't like him! )
Title: Unfair Author: ohnomomo Pairing: Yewook Rating: PG? Summary: Why... why are you idiot? A/N: To understand this part, you have read the main fic "Unfair," Comments are loved <333~